Archive for the ‘Seasonal Movie Previews’ Category

Weezer’s Summer 2010 Movie Guide

Summer is back again and, as usual, offers us a barrage of new flicks. Some of the following movies I am REALLY excited about and have been waiting on for some time (Iron Man 2, Robin Hood, Toy Story 3, Inception). The rest at least look good enough to have sparked my interest. There are some  big movies out this summer that didn’t make the list (ex. Sex and the City 2, Eclipse: The Twilight Series), and that’s simply because I have no desire to see them and won’t be telling others to either. As usual, this list is not all-inclusive, and there may be a few movies that slipped past me. If I discover any, I’ll let you know. And again, please remember that my OFFICIAL stamp of approval is not on ANY of these movies just yet, as they’re not out yet and thus I haven’t seen them. Thanks- >

Iron Man 2 – Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow – it’s IRON MAN 2, what else is there to say? – May 7th

Robin Hood – stars Russell Crowe  and Cate Blanchett , directed by Ridley Scott (Gladiator, Black Hawk Down, American Gangster). Robin Hood rules. This film is supposed to be the back-story/prequel to the typical Robin Hood tale about Robin vs. Prince John/Sheriff of Nottingham – May 14th

Shrek: Forever After – while I was disappointed in the 3rd film of the series, Shrek movies are still better animated films than any besides Pixar stuff, so I had to throw it in here. – May 21

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time – stars Jake Gyllenhaal, Alfred Molina, and Ben Kingsley. Based on the video game. – think Aladdin meets Indiana Jones meets Bourne. Something like that lol. Basically it’s an action/adventure set in like 9th century Persia.  – May 28

Get Him to the Greek – sort of a follow-up to the movie Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Jonah Hill is now a record company intern in charge of getting Russell Brand’s character Aldous Snow to a concert on time. Might be funny, we’ll see. June 4th

Toy Story 3 – Round 3 of the best animated movies ever. YES. June 18

Grown-Ups – stars Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Chris Rock, David Spade, and Rob Schneider – it’s about 5 childhood friends who are reunited years later. With that cast, it should be a comedy worth checking out. June 25th

The Last Airbender – M. Night Shyamalan (The Sixth Sense, Signs, The Village) movie; could be good, not sure. By the trailers, he seems to be venturing out from his typical spooky suspense thriller genre into more of an action flick. I’m interested to see how he does with that. July 2

Inception – stars Leonardo DiCaprio and a good supporting cast; directed by Christopher Nolan (he’s done a few small films such as Batman Begins, The Prestige, and The Dark Knight) it’s a sort of a science fiction film dealing with the human mind – very cool. – July 16th

Salt – stars Angelina Jolie and Liev Schreiber, about a CIA agent who is believed to be a Russian spy – July 23rd

Dinner For Schmucks – comedy starring Paul Rudd, Steve Carell, and Zach Galifianakis. It’s about a a guy who gets a promotion and is invited to a dinner where big shots bring stupid people as their guests, solely to make fun of them. Looks awesome. – July 23rd

The Other Guys – a comedy about an unlikely pairing of cops (Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg). Could be funny, Wahlberg is funny. Ferrell can be funny. – Aug 6th

The Expendables – listed solely cause it sounds hilarious, it’s a Sylvester Stallone directed, over-the-top action flick with some of the biggest names in action – Sly Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Jet Li, Jason Statham, Steve Austin, etc. Aug 20

Hopefully this should be enough movie watching to keep you satisfied for the summer. As I said before, I will do my best to report on the movies I see as well as reviews I read to help keep people in good movies and out of bad ones. Peace ->

Weezer’s Spring 2010 Movie Guide

(please note that this list is subject to additions and deletions, and since I obviously haven’t SEEN any of the movies on this list, my official stamp of approval is not on ANY of them.)

Dear John – based on the novel, which I have actually read lol, by Nicolas Sparks (Walk to Remember, The Notebook) – super good book – Feb. 5th

The Wolfman – stars Benicio Del Toro, Anthony Hopkins and Hugo Weaving – Feb 12th

Valentine’s Day – normally I wouldn’t list a movie like this to go see, but if you want to see a chic-flick, this one looks like a lot of fun and has a TON of people in it, such as: Topher Grace, Emma Watson, George Lopez, Julia Roberts, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Jennifer Garner, Bradley Cooper, Ashton Kutcher, Patrick Dempsey, Jamie Foxx, and even Taylor Swift. – Feb 12

Shutter Island – stars Leonardo Dicaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Ben Kingsley, and directed by Martin Scorsese (The Departed, Gangs of New York, The Aviator, a lot more). Set in Boston, it’s about 2 federal marshals investigating the escape of an inmate at a prison for the criminally insane. A  MUST SEE – Feb 19

Alice in Wonderland – stars Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham-Carter, Alan Rickman, Anne Hathaway – classic fairytale brought to life by director Tim Burton (Sweeney Todd, Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Sleepy Hollow) March 5

Green Zone – stars Matt Damon, directed by the guy who did Bourne Supremacy/Ultimatum. March 12th

The Bounty Hunter – another chic-flick, just listed because it has Gerard Butler and Jennifer Aniston in it, and they’re both sweet. March 19

Clash of the Titans – stars Sam Worthington (Avatar, Terminator: Salvation) Liam Neeson (Taken, other stuff). Looks insane – big battle of gods and things from Greek mythology. – March 26th

The Expendables – listed solely cause it sounds hilarious, it’s a Sylvester Stallone directed, over-the-top action flick with some of the biggest names in action – Sly Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Jet Li, Jason Statham, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, etc. April 13

Typically, the best movies of the year come out in the summer and the end of the year. The only movie on here I’m REALLY stoked about is Shutter Island (who’s original theatrical release date was moved up from Oct, 2009). When we get closer to it, I will post the (much anticipated, I’m sure haha) Summer Movie Guide. Until then, these movies should keep you on the right track for your Spring movie-going. If and when I see any of these, I will let you know what I think. Until then, we’ll be seeing ya. Peace ->

Weezer’s Holiday Movie Guide ’09

(please note that this list is subject to additions and deletions, and since I obviously haven’t SEEN any of the movies on this list, my official stamp of approval is not on ANY of them.)

In release date order:

  1. The Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day – 1st one was hot – Oct 30th
  2. Disney’s A Christmas Carol – CG movie starring Jim Carrey as several characters including Scrooge – Nov. 6th, also in 3D
  3. 2012 – starring John Cusack, directed by the guy who did Independence Day, The Day After Tomorrow and The Patriot (caution: he also did 10,000 B.C.) – it’s about the date on the Mayan calendar that the world is supposed to end. – Nov. 13th
  4. Red Cliff – war picture set in China, looks cool from the preview. The date here MAY be a limited release date, so it may not show all over the country til later – Nov. 20th
  5. The Road – starring Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn in LOTR). About a post-apocalyptic journey of a father/son. Looks solid. It’s adapted from a book I’ve heard good things about. Nov. 25th
  6. Invictus – starring Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon. Directed by Clint Eastwood. About Nelson Mandella, so it’s a semi-historical movie that looks really good – Dec. 11th
  7. The Lovely Bones – has a great cast including Mark Wahlberg and is directed by LOTR director Peter Jackson. Also adapted from a popular novel. Looks goooood. Dec 11th
  8. Avatar – futuristic movie from the director of Terminator 1,2 and Titanic. Has some ground-breaking special effects and should be amazing. – Dec 18th.
  9. Nine – this movie I am the most unsure about. It is a musical of sorts, but has a great cast including Daniel Day-Lewis, Nicole Kidman, Judi Dench, Penelope Cruz, and Marion Cotillard. Directed by the guy who did the best-picture winning “Chicago” in ’02. Dec 18th
  10. Sherlock Holmes – need I say more? Stars Robery Downey Jr. (Iron Man), Jude Law, and Rachel McAdams. Looks great, and regardless of how true it remains to the       Conan-Doyle classics should at least be a good time. Christmas Day
  11. The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus – Heath Ledger’s final movie. He died while they were still shooting it. They got several actors to fill his role for the rest of the film. Those actors are (get ready) – Colin Farrell, Jude Law, and Johnny Depp.  The movie’s limited release date is Christmas Day, so not sure when it will release wide.

There may be a few solid flicks scattered in the early part of 2010, but again, usually the really good movies are gonna hit in the summer and especially the end of the year. So I will do one for April – August when it gets closer. In the mean time, hit these up, and I will keep you posted on what I see and reviews I read to try and keep you in good movies out of bad ones – just check out the movie section of my typical weekly-ish posts. Peace.