Archive for February, 2010

Swallowed in STATIC

Yes, I still exist. Yes, I’m still keeping up with this blog. And yes, though I don’t actually have a terrible amount of information to report about MYSELF, I felt obligated to chronicle what little HAS happened. Maybe it’ll be more than I expect . . . here it goes ->

Hard to remember where I was last time I blogged (and yes, I realize I could just go back to my last “weekly-ish rant” post and check, but I’m not lol), but let’s see . . . . I think I had just gotten into RTS and had 3 weeks to get a job before that started. Well I didn’t get one. OH – and before I forget – none of this is supposed to sound like a boo-hoo whine-fest, these are just facts. I realize it is called the “Weezer RANT” but I’m not complaining, just recapping. ANYWAYS – I have some good leads on jobs at this point, but wasn’t able to nail one down before seminary started, so I will be sitting this game out. No big deal though. I’m pretty effective in the stands, anyways haha. But this way I can pay off the little debt I have and save some cash for later. SO this has left me with a lot of free time, aside from working on getting a job and the occasional day of random work. So I have caught up on a lot of movies (which we’ll get to later), re-polished my frisbee golf skills, unpacked a few old video games, and helped work at church. Ah yes- that’s actually a positive update – so Grace Church has 3 locations right – and we’ve always wanted to visit the downtown one, especially now that I live 5ish min from it. So the one week we visit they unveil a church building that’s been given to them via a dwindling church looking to merge. The building is on McBee St, right next to CBH, and is over 150 yrs old. We’re talking old-school white church w/ steeple, big steps out front, pillars, pews, a pipe organ, and a wrap-around balcony. So with this new building comes plenty of new opportunities to get involved – very cool considering I had been frustrated with trying to get re-involved. Anyways, so all I have to do now is get a job. Living at the Tucker residence is cool. Plenty of freedoms and a laid-back lifestyle. Thankful for friends who give me something to stand on while I put my limbs back on. Here’s the cool things though – I was in so far over my head in Cali that this situation hasn’t even phased me. At least I know people here, and people who care and love me. God got me through that, so I think I can manage this. My biggest problem is not being angered by my current state of inactivity, dwelling on the “what ifs” of the past. I feel like everything I’m trying to accomplish, for whatever purpose, is on hold, and all I’m trying to do is break free from a static I’ve been engulfed in for far too long. The scope of this feeling goes a long way sometimes. However, I know God knows what He’s doing, but living like you really believe that can be tuff sometimes.

HERE’S the rest ->


Only thing to report here is last night’s FACING YESTERDAY concert, in my opinion, was thier best yet. They released their EP, A Different Shade of Night – solid performance all around. Glad to see Tucker as the newest member of the band, utilizing his talents for back-up vocals, keys, and hopefully some upcoming violin action.


Not a lot happening right now. Olympics are going on and I have never cared less hahahaha.


Well TV, for me, is now in its prime. LOST and American Idol are in full swing. This week on AI we’ll here the first round of the Top 24. The final season of LOST is in full swing, slowly but surely SORT OF answering a myriad of mind-bending mysteries we’ve been submersed in for years.


Ok here’s the loaded section – like I said, a lot of free time has led to a lot of movies, but I’ll keep it brief (ish).

– Shutter Island – been pumped about it for months, since it was supposed to come out in Oct. It’s about an investigation of an escape from a high security mental institution for the criminally insane. Without giving anything away, let me just say that the previews are a bit misleading. This movie is NOT a horror flick. Think mystery suspense drama with some tense and spooky moments. Really good flick, not great – DiCaprio is excellent, as usual, and the story easily entertains and keeps the audience interested. 8 outa 10.

Book of Eli – pretty good movie, really cool Biblical themes, Denzel is solid. It’s about a guy with a unique book who journeys through post-apocalyptic America. 6.5 outa 10

– Memento –first big movie by The Dark Knight director Christopher Nolan. Really good, unique film. It’s about a guy who loses his short-term memory. Impossible to guess the ending. I have never had to pay closer attention to a film. 7.5 outa 10

– The Time Traveler’s Wife – romantic drama following the wife (Rachel McAdams) of an involuntary time traveling man (Eric Bana). Pretty good movie, McAdams is beautiful and does a great job. 6.5 outa 10.

– The Life of David Gale – solid movie. It’s about an activist against the death penalty (Kevin Spacey) who is eventually convicted of a rape and murder. He then details his story to a journalist (Kate Winslet). Really enjoyed this movie – great acting and story. Warning – some graphic content is involved in the murder scenes. 7.5 outa 10

– Taxi Driver – older Scorsese movie with Robert DeNiro about a mentally unstable Vietnam War Vet who picks up a late night taxi job in NYC. Not a terrible exciting movie, but is pretty good. I would NOT recommend it to the average movie-goer. 6 outa 10

– Heat – mid-’90s Michael Mann flick with DeNiro, Al Pacino, and Val Kilmer. REALLY long movie about a professional detective chasing a professional thief. Pretty boring movie, has one or two tense scenes. Didn’t care for it at all. 4.5 outa 10

– Gosford Park – a british murder mystery film that had pretty high reviews. I watched it for an hour and was so bored I turned it off. Literally nothing happened.  2 outa 10.

Up next on my movies to see list: Law Abiding Citizen, Unforgiven, Raging Bull, and a few more

Well folks, that’s all I got for now. Pray I get a job soon (and, now that I think of it, get back in the gym). God Bless – Peace ->