Archive for January, 2010

Weezer’s Spring 2010 Movie Guide

(please note that this list is subject to additions and deletions, and since I obviously haven’t SEEN any of the movies on this list, my official stamp of approval is not on ANY of them.)

Dear John – based on the novel, which I have actually read lol, by Nicolas Sparks (Walk to Remember, The Notebook) – super good book – Feb. 5th

The Wolfman – stars Benicio Del Toro, Anthony Hopkins and Hugo Weaving – Feb 12th

Valentine’s Day – normally I wouldn’t list a movie like this to go see, but if you want to see a chic-flick, this one looks like a lot of fun and has a TON of people in it, such as: Topher Grace, Emma Watson, George Lopez, Julia Roberts, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Jennifer Garner, Bradley Cooper, Ashton Kutcher, Patrick Dempsey, Jamie Foxx, and even Taylor Swift. – Feb 12

Shutter Island – stars Leonardo Dicaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Ben Kingsley, and directed by Martin Scorsese (The Departed, Gangs of New York, The Aviator, a lot more). Set in Boston, it’s about 2 federal marshals investigating the escape of an inmate at a prison for the criminally insane. A  MUST SEE – Feb 19

Alice in Wonderland – stars Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham-Carter, Alan Rickman, Anne Hathaway – classic fairytale brought to life by director Tim Burton (Sweeney Todd, Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Sleepy Hollow) March 5

Green Zone – stars Matt Damon, directed by the guy who did Bourne Supremacy/Ultimatum. March 12th

The Bounty Hunter – another chic-flick, just listed because it has Gerard Butler and Jennifer Aniston in it, and they’re both sweet. March 19

Clash of the Titans – stars Sam Worthington (Avatar, Terminator: Salvation) Liam Neeson (Taken, other stuff). Looks insane – big battle of gods and things from Greek mythology. – March 26th

The Expendables – listed solely cause it sounds hilarious, it’s a Sylvester Stallone directed, over-the-top action flick with some of the biggest names in action – Sly Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Jet Li, Jason Statham, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, etc. April 13

Typically, the best movies of the year come out in the summer and the end of the year. The only movie on here I’m REALLY stoked about is Shutter Island (who’s original theatrical release date was moved up from Oct, 2009). When we get closer to it, I will post the (much anticipated, I’m sure haha) Summer Movie Guide. Until then, these movies should keep you on the right track for your Spring movie-going. If and when I see any of these, I will let you know what I think. Until then, we’ll be seeing ya. Peace ->

Get Back, Get Back

. . . Get back to where you one belonged. (Thank you, Beatles)

Broadcasting LIVE from sunny (not compared to SoCal) Greenville, it’s the premiere episode of the 2010 edition of the WEEZER RANT. For all of you who have been DYING to know what happens next, this is the episode for you. Once again, it’s been about 6 weeks sincem y last post. I really am hoping to make it a more frequent blog, complete with different articles other than my awesome monthly “rants on varying subjects.” Buckled in? Alright ->

Last time I wrote, the epic return-trek was 4 days away. Assuming you read the 1st sentence of this post, you’ll notice I made it back. The trip went REALLY well. Took 3 days, 2400 -ish miles, and a lot of music/podcasts. I stopped at hotels outside Albuquerque and Little Rock. Turns out, with a working alternator and coolant reservoir, the 626 is a fully capable, cross-country towing, warrior of a machine. The trailer gave me little trouble, other than me having zero skill in the BACK UP A TRAILER category. For those wondering, YES, I stopped at the very 1st Zaxbys I saw and fulfilled a long-awaited desire. I was able to arrive back a day earlier then planned, allowing me to surprise my family Sat night and surprise my friends at church the next morning. Over the next week, I made my rounds catching up with everyone. My close friends were kind enough to plan a welcome back party, which rocked. Christmas this year was spent in Delaware with my Mom’s family. That 11 hour car ride up there felt like nothing – a testament to the ridiculous amount of driving I’ve subjected myself to recently.  Biggest thing that’s happened since I’ve been back (aside from what’s detailed in the following paragraph) is me moving. Tucker bought a house back in Oct, and haas been saving me a room in it. I moved in 5 days ago. Loving it so far – the house is big, and has a ton of potential. We are slowly fixingit up. The kitchen is well underway. Now, the big news:

Funny story time – SO as I said last time, I enrolled at BJ Seminary for the Spring semester. A few facts: I have been at BJ since I was in K-5 (that’s 17 years of school). I was definitely excited about enrolling there for seminary, but more because I knew they had good classes/teachers; I was not looking forward to being under the system again. Nothing I couldn’t handle, but getting a degree from somewhere else, getting a fresh, different perspective, and avoiding some minor inconveniences were all things that excited me about being at TMS. I had looked at another school, Reformed Theological Seminary, while I was in CA, but their prices were more than I could handle and couldn’t compete with the huge discount BJU gives its undergrads to enroll in the grad program. Now the story: Last Thursday, I was talking to Mitch Miller and he was detailing some things that happened at BJ this past semester that really got me discouraged about being back there again. Same day – I’m out to eat before the BCS Nat’l Championship game, and Davey McNight is telling me about RTS and reasons I should look into it further, one of which is a potential financial option I was unaware of. With the approval from everyone at the table, and later my parents, I scrambled all over the place on Friday, filled out everything, called everyone, faxed, emailed, requested all the necessary you name it’s. I also had a sweet convo with Ben Fetterolf, who put to rest all my doubts and fears on the matter. That was Friday. Monday morning I drove up to Charlotte w/ Davey and visited RTS. Really liked what I heard/saw. SO in basically 2 days, with the approval of my pastor, former pastor, Oasis friends, parents, and friends – enrolled in ans was accepted to RTS. I’m pumped about pursuing the ministry there, learning about God, and growing in faith. The class system is cool because it will allow me to commute up there 1-2 days a week, and there are several guys in Gville who do that, so we can carpool. Only thing left to nail down is the job . . . . God is good.

Categorical rundown time (yay) ->

MOVIES  – I’ve seen 3 movies in theaters this holiday season, so we’ll look at those.

1. Invictus – not a whole lot to say here, but the movie was good. Matt Damon and especially Morgan Freeman give great performances. The story was good, well written, and for the most part, kept me interested. Definitely not a GREAT movie, and certainly far from my favorite Eastwood flick.

2. Sherlock Holmes – I was really looking forward to this movie. It turned out to be exactly what I expected – an action packed, at times humerous, fun movie. Again, certainyl not a GREAT film, but really well acted (particularly by Downey, Jr) and  just an enjoyable, good time. And (couldn’t avoid mentioning) it has Rachel McAdams in it. Love her. Definitely a recommeneded movie from my take.

3. AVATAR – These 3 movies were all in a “must see” category for me. Avatar was probably the one I wanted to see the most. 12 ish years in the making, $300 – $400 million dollar budget, the biggest advancement in movie-making technology in at least a decade, and James Cameron – the self-proclaimed king of the world. All votes are in, and almost unanimously agree that Cameron has done it again. Avatar received high marks from almost all major critics, none of which weren’t blown away by the jaw-dropping visuals. Now I’ve seen Avatar 3 times at this point (one in regular, twice in 3D). I want to emphasize that THIS IS NOT A MOVIE TO WAIT TO SEE UNTIL IT COMES OUT ON DVD. I don’t care how good BluRay looks, you need to see it on the big screen. If the movie was silent, it would still be worth going to. The 2 hr 45 min film flies by, keeping you, with little trouble, entertained and engrossed in the world of Pandora. I’m not saying it’s my favorite movie, but it’s a GREAT film.

MUSIC – Only one thing to report on here – I finally got ahold of the new Casting Crowns’ album, Until the Whole World Hears. I haven’t listened to it too much yet, but there are some really good songs here. CC is at the top of it’s genre for a reason.

TV – not a ton to discuss here, but a few things of note. I have failed to keep up with The Office since I moved back, so I’m not sure what’s happening there. American Idol premiered Tuesday. I was pumped about seeing Ellen Degeneres on the show, but she wont be on until the Hollywood weeks. Instead, they’ve recruited several singers to be guest judges for the auditions. Finally, I am continuing my re-watch of LOST. I’m currently a couple episodes into Season 5, and with regular nightly watching with the roommates, should be caught up by the premiere of the last season, TUES, FEB. 2nd.

SPORTS – In college sports, Clemson finished off its football season with a win over Kentucky in a minor bowl game. CJ Spiller caps off one of the greatest careers in Clemson football history. It was also great seeing Tim Tebow finish his unparalleled career with an exclamation point. Tebow had nearly 500 yds passing and multiple rushing and passing TDs in FL big win over Cincy.  The Nat’l Championship turned out to be a bit of a let down after TX QB Colt McCoy went down on TX opening drive, leaving TX to rely on a true Freshman QB to lead the team. He did an ok job, considering, but AL came out on top. Personally, I think from what I saw a zero experience QB do to the AL secondary, McCoy would have tore them apart and TX would be the champs, but that wasn’t to be. Congrats, Bama.

In pro sports, the Steelers, for the second straight time, failed to make the playoffs the year after winning it all. Unreal. The Penguins are skating on thin ice recently, losing 7 of their last 10. Not sure what their deal is, but they have the talent to be on top. Finally, the Celtics continue to be amongst the NBA elite, despite a few disappointing losses.

Alright people, I’ve been ranting for quite some time, so we’ll wrap it up with this – This verse of a song has been weighing on me recently, especially during the Christmas season, and surrounded by the wild ride my life has taken this last month:

What wisdom once devised a plan, where all our sin and pride/ Was placed upon the Perfect Lamb who suffered, bled, and died? / The wisdom of a sovereign God, who’s justice will be shown/ When those who crucified Your Son rejoice around Your throne.

The Glory of the Cross Sovereign Grace Music

If God can orchestrate the greatest celebration of all time out of the greatest tragedy of all time, He can take care of you and me.

Til next time. we’ll see ya.   Peace ->