Archive for December, 2009

Marching On (right,right,right,right left)

. . . . . Yea, I know – it’s been more than a month. I posted a Christmas Season Movie Guide, but that was something I had already made up for myself, so I guess it doesn’t count. Anyways – I’m back and writing. Once again, assuming someone other than me reads this, here we go ->

As far as my life goes, things have been pretty routine. I go to school, scrounge up whatever work I can find, and try to maintain (some) sanity. God provided MORE money in a variety of ways, including giving me consistent weekend work with Mike doing tree work, and occasional spurts of work at Ram Board.  The road to Thanksgiving wasn’t an easy one; I had a huge Hermeneutics paper and several Hebrew challenges as well, but God was good and I’m alive. Thanksgiving was SO great this year, I got to spen 10 days in AZ with the Oasis of Truth Church team. Most of Chris’ family joined us Wed and stayed for 5 days,  so even more familiar faces were around than normal. The meal itself was amazing, and the rest of the weekend was filled with hanging out, playing games, ping-pong, video games, movies, and more food. Needless to say, I was super bummed about leaving, but I knew I only had a week and a half of school left before going home for Christmas. And yea . . . . about that . . . .

A semester of intense changes and learning experiences is winding down, and the big decision stares me in the face even more. Ya know what the best advice I got was regarding what to do next semester? My Bible study shepherd told me that the next 6 months of my life is not that big of a deal. Maybe this huge decision of where I’m at school or even IF I’m at school is over-shadowed by a bigger choice – my choice of who to serve on a daily basis. The minute you lose sight of your daily walk with Jesus, then every other decision you face is being seen through a foggy lens. That being said, I will be moving back to Greenville next week (12/10/09) with the plan to continue my degree at BJ Seminary.  YES – once again the trailer of Sheol will be hitched to the 626 as I trek across the globe. PLEASE pray for me as I drive. I have driven long distances before, but not alone.  The job situation is still a big ? , so prayers are appreciated. I’m PUMPED about coming back, seeing my friends and family, furthering my education for ministry,  jumping in at my church, and CHUGGING Zaxbys, but my personality doesn’t like change – so I will still be sad to leave. Cali has treated me better than I deserved, and there are multiple people here I will truly miss.

Alright, now that we got the serious section out of the way, haha, categorical rundown time ->


– Please see my last post to check out movies to see this Thanksgiving / Christmas Season. I did have the opportunity to catch a couple flicks over the break, so we’ll talk about those. I had already seen the new Star Trek film this summer in theaters, but had the chance to watch it a couple more times. I must have been sleepy or something this past summer becuase the movie was actually much better than I remembered. From a guy who never watched Star Trek but just knew the basic facts, it’s a solid and entertaining action sci-fi flick that MOST people will enjoy. Second movie I checked out was Angles and Demons. Having never seen/read The Davinci Code I was clueless as to what to expect. To those in the same boat – you don’t actually have to see Davinci to understand A&D. The only things tying the stories together are the same central character(played by Tom Hanks) and the general idea of religious conspiracy. I found the movie kept my attention very well, playing out like an Indiana Jones/ National Treasure race against time to find the next clue sorta setup. Not the best movie in the world, and nothing to RAVE about, but totally worth watching.


– Only a couple things to mention here at the moment: 1. I have been continuing to re-watch LOST. I am currently about to start Season 4. The difference between watching a summary of 1-3 and actually WATCHING 1-3 is drastic. I can’t wait to re-watch 4 and 5 and pick-up on tons of little things. 2. Still keeping up with The Office. I haven’t been as impressed this season, but I am loyal enough to the show and to certain characters to continue watching.


–  Lets see here . . . too sum it up 1. Clemson is currently playing for the ACC Championship. I know he probably won’t win, but Clemson fan or not, I have a problem saying that anyone else deserves the Heisman more than C.J. Spiller. The guy is ridiculous. Overall we had a pretty good season, other than losing some close games early on and then eventually losing to SC. 2. The Steelers are struggling. Having lost 3 straight, they now have to REALLY pick up their game to make sure they can secure a wild card spot in the playoffs. Luckily, the remaining schedule SHOULD be fairly mild. 3. The Penguins have suffered a discouraging load of injuries, but still prove to be one of the best teams in the league. Imagine what they could do if everyone were healthy??? 4. The Boston Celtics struggles for a few games, but have one 7ish in a row and boast the best record in the league. #money


-This may be a longer section than normal, but I recently got my hands on a LOAD of new tunes. Plenty of new albums came out recently, so here’s my take on those select records:

Adam Lambert “For Your Entertainment” – REALLY good album, REALLY bad cover hahahaha. I like almost all the songs; they’re catchy, melodic and capture the full range of Adam’s ridiculous voice.

John Mayer “Battle Studies” – I haven’t listened to a ton of his other stuff, but from what I do know about it I can say that any Mayer fan should be pleased with the new record.

Mayday Parade “Anywhere But Here” – if you haven’t checked this band out, you should. This album in particular is my favorite. Solid tunes

OneRepublic “Waking Up” – really enjoyed this album. Not my favorite group, but there are some really good tracks on here, one of which is credited with the title of this blog entry

I also got All Time Low, Dashboard Confessional, and Daughtry’s new albums, but regrettably haven’t listened to them anough to state an opinion

FINALLY – my favorite Christian group, Casting Crowns, has a new album out entitled Until The Whole World Hears. To my shame, I do not own this album yet, but from what I have read/heard/ know about the band – you will not be sorry for checking it out.

Alright – that’s it for the “weekly-ish rant.” Next time you get one of these, we’ll be broadcasting from SC. woohoo. peace ->