Archive for October, 2009

(temporary) Life On The Moon


First thing’s first – I think last time I wrote I said I would try and update this every week. Well, a. thats not happening and b. i dont think I have enough info to report on to do this every week anyways. So we’ll say bi-weekly or monthly . . . or something. David Cook has inspired this installment’s chapter title. It doesn’t completely fit the situation, but close enough. Soooooooo let’s get started ->

Here’s whatsup with me – Seminary semester 1 is half over. Classes are going well, though Hebrew is probably gonna kill me soon. I have continued my involvement at Grace Community Church and have some encouraging friendships through that. One of my friends was able to go with me last weekend to go visit the Oasis Team in AZ, which was, as usual, a fun, encouraging, and restful trip. Finances have been  pretty tight lately with a severe lack of work from RamBoard, however, God has provided through several other means to survive. I have been able to work the past couple days for my buddy Mike doing tree work, and there is some promise to more work to come through him.

For those of you who don’t know, I plan on returning to Gville after this semester is over. I’m not gonna sit here and rattle off every single aspect of it, but trust me, I have mulled over, prayed over, and got counsel/advice for this for awhile. Basic idea: I love the school, but everything else hasn’t worked out as well as hoped for, and I have come to realize that the opportunites for ministry, future ministry, and work are greater and better for me in Gville for now. I have a solid place to continue seminary, and I intend to. I don’t believe there is a bad choice here, and I don’t doubt for a second that God wanted me out here in CA. I haven’t ruled out staying here, but God is gonna have to do something big to change my mind, cause He has already done things to convince me otherwise (again, I won’t type all those out, but if you’re interested, ask me). The date for registration for the TMS Spring semester is Nov 2-11 I believe, so I will have my final decision by then. Prayers appreciated 🙂  Other than that, life is good. Living in CA has been fun and is definitely manageable. If a southern white-boy who just moved out from his parents house inwhich he lived his whole life can pull it off, anyone can.

Now for the typical categorical run-down ->

Movies – Haven’t really watched many since getting here. The only thing I have watched recently was the Toy Story 1-2 3D Double Feature. It was awesome, and I was glad to have friend accompany me to see it.

TV – Again, since being here, I haven’t watched much TV. The time change really messes with your TV watching schedule. Sports is basically the only thing I watch LIVE. HOWEVER – through the medium and wonder that is Hulu/Abc Full Episode Viewer, I stay up to date. The Office has been good so far this season. The last episode wasn’t the best, but Jim and Pam’s wedding was awesome. May be my favorite episode to date. (I want people to know that I’m really excited about what I’m about to share.) Some of you may know that I became a fan of LOST over the past season. The day before season 5 started, I watched 2 summaries on seasons 1-3, proceeded to ask questions to my good friend Trevor about things I didn’t pick up from the summaries, then continued and watched the entirety of season 4 in 21 hours. This experience was awesome, however I knew I wanted to evetually go back and watch all of seasons 1-3. A week and a half ago, I started up watching season 1. I am now 4 episodes from the end, and am freaking out just as if I had never see anything about the show before. That’s a true testament to how awesome the show really is. So now I hope to re-watch the whole 5 seasons before the new season begins in January. If you haven’t seen the show, I would totally recommend it (understatement), with the warning that you will be sucked in and it will not be letting go. On a side note – before starting into LOST a couple weeks ago, I gave Glee a chance. It was a decent show, really cool music, but nothing special in my opinion. If you love it, great.

Sports – October is the best month for sports. Plenty going on – Clemson is having a typical disappointing season, though our losses haven’t been big, so I am hoping we can learn how to finish off a game and improve. The Steelers don’t look top-notch, but they look strong enough and should continue to gain momentum throughout the season. Finally, the Red Sox fell apart in the opening round of the MLB Playoffs, getting swept by the Angels. Right now I guess I’m pulling for the Phillies . . . Anyone but NYY, obviously, is preferrable.

Music – not a whole lot going on here – Mainly looking ahead to upcoming releases in Nov – Adam Lambert and John Mayer. On a personal note, I have been consistely practicing and teaching myself to play the guitar. No album release dates to report at this point though haha.

Last thing – Satruday I worked with Mike at a house in Beverly Hills, and yes, the Weezer song was sung the entire day. After work we took a cruise down Rodeo Dr – it’s like the “Main Street’ of Beverly Hills. We’re talking huge-name fancy pants stores, tons of hot restaurants, plam trees in the middle of the road, and crazy cars. We saw so many Porches they might as well have been Hondas. Even Bentleys and Rolles weren’t uncommon. The hottest we saw? 1 red and 1 silver Ferrari and 2 Maseratis. See ya. Of course our vehicle couldnt match up to what most people were driving, but we weren’t even cruising in the 626. Nope, on the day I got to drive down the fanciest, coolest street I’d ever been on, I was in a beat-up old single cab Dakota pickup truck. Not only that, but we were towing a trailer slam-packed with every ounce of tree branch we’d just trimmed the whole day. Must have looked hysterical.  And yea, we were still in our grimy work clothes, faces glistening with sweat and powdered with dirt, but it didn’t mater. After that we went up the winding, villa/mansion-lined streets up to Mulholland Drive, which overlooks the entire Valley. Hot.

Alright folks (I once again assume people read this, and thus, I’m talking to someone) I mus “study” Hebrew. Seriously though. We’ll see ya – peace.