Archive for September, 2009

Dropped The Ball, But Picking It Up

Hey guys (whoever, if anyone, that reads this) –

By now you may have actually forgotten who I am. My name is Nate; nickname is Weezer. I used to update this blog every week, then I fizzled out for whatever reason. Well Im back. Not sure if EVERY week is gonna happen. It’s a lot easier to blog every week when you’re not in seminary, but accounting for the amount of time I waste every week on other online mediums, maybe I can pull it off. Anyways, I’m trying to get back on track with the ranting, so here’s whats up from the past couple months – >

Biggest thing – MOVED across the country lol. Yea, I actually did it. God was gracious in providing me a great couple to live with and, initially anyways, a solid job – continuing my employment with Ram Board, this time, of course, West coast style. The trip out here was a little rough, but I had a friend with me to help drive and keep me sane. Since I’ve been here, I have been able to visit my good friends at the Oasis of Truth church plant twice, and have been significantly blessed by their influence and friendship. God is continuing to provide for all of them, particularly now with work and with Drew and Katie’s new son, Henry. I have been managing well living on my own. It was a lot harder at first but is getting easier. I have gotten into some good and healthy cooking habits, just need to find an outlet for exercise. Office work and seminary don’t really lend themselves to physical exertion (more mental haha). My car had a lot of issues just before moving and right after, so that hit hard financially, but my car is fixed and the Lord has provided in His own ways already. I’m really enjoying the school and my classes here at The Master’s Seminary, but am not sure at this point how much longer I plan on being out here. Opportunities are great in Gville and here, and I’m certain that either would be a good choice, so we’ll see how things play out. Since I’ve been here, I’ve experienced: freeway driving, traffic jams, Huntington Beach, Santa Monica Beach/Pier, the Pacific Coastal Highway, the plural of cactus, lol, cacti?, Pinkberry (soft-serve frozen yogurt with tons of fruit/dessert toppings available), RB West, John MacArthur in person, In n Out (actuall had that like 4 years ago), Panda Express -LOVE, and much more. Possible things to do next – Boys Like Girls concert and going to a taping of The Jay Leno Show

Now for some of the typical entertainment stuff I like to talk about. Since I last blogged, a lot happened, so I will hit the highlights of the categories. First off, the Pittsburgh Penguins WON the Stanley Cup. An amazing 7-game series with the defending champ Red Wings escalated to a Penguin victory. Awesome. Currently the Red Sox are poised for a post-season appearance, more than likely taking the wildcard spot since the Yankees turned it up a notch after the all-star break. Gonne be a great post-season hopefully.

Not to much to mention in movies. I was kind of disappointed with summer movies. Transformers 2 was decent, but definitely worse than 1. I would say Up and The Hangover were probably the best 2 summer flicks, besides, of course, Harry Potter. Oh yea, Harry Potter – that took over my life for a little while when HBP came out. Sweet movie. I want to read the books before Deathly Hollows arrives on the big screen. The only movie I’ve seen since being out in CA is Inglorious Basterds. Tarantino basically invents his own genre of movie – a historical comedic drama. Pitt is awesome, as usual, though them ovie is not as focused on him and his band as you’d think. Overall it was a good, entertaining flick, but a little too drawn out.

Music wise, and this mya be hard, but here’s what I remember needing to empasize – first of all, the band that plays in the Resolved conferences out here at MacArthur’s church, Grace Community Church is great. Most of them are here at church every week and serve at the Crossroads college/career ministry. There band name is Enfield – named for the MA city of Jonathan Edaward’s fame, and they have 2 albums, O For That Day and Back to Calvary. In my opinion, the 1st CD is the best – definitely check out this band. Next – if I hadn’t mentioned it before, Coldplay has a free live album available for download at their website It’s not really anything new, but is cool to have and a fun listen. Other new/notable albums are out for : Daughtry, All-Time Low, and soon out will be Adam Lambert’s debut album, another Carrie Underwood record, and prob more stuff. OH – AND the new Boys Liek Girls album came out last week. Not as good as the 1st, but still worth buying, and it’s still growing on me. As a special treat, it contains a song with guest performer Taylor Swift (who is awesome). 🙂        FINALLY – Since the summer, I have been on a HUGE Beatles kick. If you’ve never really listened to their stuff – but just know they’re famous and british and they’re Paul John George and Ringo – listen to their stuff. Remastered editions of all their albums were just released last week, along with (drum roll) The Beatles Rock Band, which I cant wait to play when I get back to Gville for Christmas.

Now, a list of things I cant wait to do when I’m back in SC for Christmas:

1. see everyone I LOVE

2. Eat at : ZAXBYS, Moe’s, Sticky Fingers, Chic Fil A, Mutt’s

3. Play: The Beatles Rock Band, MARIO KART 64, Frisbee Golf

4. Random stuff: stand in the RAIN (something I haven’t seen since i left), go to Grace Church

Alright, well until next time guys – we’ll be seeing ya.