Archive for March, 2009

March 23-29

Another fairly sweet week for the sophomore installment of Rant


         – Matt Williams preached the last sermon in our series on 1 Peter. Preaching out of ch. 5 verses 8-14, Matt had plenty to unpack from this short passage. The passage talks about our enemy the Devil, and about his sly tricks. Peter then cleary states that all Christians will face these trials, but that the God of all grace will restore and strengthen us. The passage seems to fitfully wrap up the book and the purpose of it being written: maybe your world not going your way like the rest of the world tells you it should isn’t a bad thing. Maybe God has something better, leaving no apology for a temporal life filled with hardships that are rewarded in an eternal one.

Me –

  – Not too much new happening this past week. Work was good and busy, allowing me to have 6 or so more hours than normal. Our printing press at work is almost up and running, which means many more work hours to be distributed to us – awesome.

  – Did a lot of research this week on apartments in the Burbank, CA area. Unless I go the route of living in someone’s basement (which may not be a bad idea), I am reeeeaaalllly gonna need a roommate to keep the rent reasonable. I still have work up in the air. I consider this the most important factor in me moving. If I have a job, I think I can swing the rest. I’m really hoping/praying I can continue working at Ramboard at the Western division, but we’ll see if there’s a spot for me or not.

Sports –

   – I’m gonna keep this section fairly short – my bracket is now in a crumpled heap in a trashcan near the TV. Before Pitt lost, my bracket was better than 85% of people on Now it’s garbage.

TV –

   – LOST – I’m afraid I have to admit that I haven’t seen this week’s LOST episode yet 😦 , meaning next week’s entry will probably be enormous.

 – Idol – Musically speaking, not my favorite week for Idol. Motown week is never gonna hit a high rating in my book, but some of the performances (of course my fav’s Danny and Adam) were pretty good. I was, however, really pleased with Sarver getting booted off the show. Nice guy, decent voice, not even close to being as good as the other guys.

Movies –

   – Now that I think about it, I dont think I watched any movies this week that I hadn’t seen before. I might as well take this time to say that I’m excited about Fast and Furious, coming out this friday, the 3rd. Not a huge Vin Diesel fan, but the 1st movie with him and Paul Walker was hot.

Music –

  – A couple items of note this week – 1st of all, I bought my tickets to a David Cook concert, which I am sooooo pumped about. That concert isn’t until early May though,  but should be worth the wait.

  – Last night I attended a “Battle of the Bands” concert in support of  Tad and Jeff, good friends of mine, and their band Facing Yesterday. This was a semi-final round of a 28 – band competition. The winners are chosen based on performance, ticket sales, and cheering. Tad/Jeff”s band won 2nd place, and will be playing in a month at the finals with 7 other bands. Gonna be amazing I hope. Their site is

Special / Funny Stories

  – So 3 of my friends moved (just in town) in the past week and a half. One of those friends, Rivas, HAD to be moved Friday. Problem: it rained this past week for like 5 solid days. So though he didnt have much stuff, we’re hauling around dressers and mattresses, tables and chairs in the rain. Though we tried using tarps and stuff to cover the various items, it was a nightmare. On top of that, Rivas’ old house is on like a 60 degree incline driveway, which we had to back a trailer up. His new apt. is on the 2nd floor, so if you happened to be the guy at the botton of the stairs carrying a dresser/cabinet, you got a flood of water in your face. I told the boys though, “these are the kinda things that make stories like this funny, later.” It was pretty funny then too though.

Again, thanks for checking out  The Weezer Rant. Feel free to post comments/questions or whatever. Peace.

March 16-22, 2009

Awesome 1st week – tons to talk about


    – This week Matt Williams taught on 1 Peter 5 about being under authority. What really stuck out to me was how valuable it is to be under authority. He said this was the primary way to learn how to be a leader. He also stressed how important each person’s role is in God’s design, and how we have no right to question the position God has appointed us to.


   – This week was fairly normal for my job, though I did probably get to work a few more hours.

  – My boss finally sold his home this week!!! Praide God. He should be moving to AZ at the end of April, giving me a full-time job (finally)

  –  Working out has been going well; being fairly consistent. I snagged a few tips from a friend in the health/fitness field to impliment this next week.

  –   Some new decisions have arisen about my move to Cali. The degree I want takes a little longer than I had thought, so I was encouraged by my friend/boss to see if I could move for the Fall semester instead of in Jan. This will require a lot of money I dont have. I once again ask – how does one differentiate between taking step of faith and doing something stupid?


   – The main sports story this week would of course be the 1st couple rounds of the NCAA Tournament. My bracket is still fairly intact, picking 13 of 16 Swet 16 teams, all my Elite 8 being intact, picking Pitt as the champion. Clemson of course tanked in the 1st round, losing to Michigan. Following this loss, I received several calls/texts/facebook posts from people pretending to care about sports putting the loss in my face. dumb.


  – American Idol  – this past week the performances were based on works from the “Grand Ole Opry” – a fancy name for a music style I’m not that fond of – country. Despite the style of their songs, I was very impressed with what most of the contestants were able to do with their songs. Noteably, my faves Danny Gokey and Adam Lambert were awesome. Danny sang a great version of Carrie Underwood’s Jesus Take the Wheel. I thought it was cool he picked that song since he’s supposedly a Christian dude. On the other extreme, the possibly homosexual Adam sang the hottest song of the night, a completely revamped versions of Cash’s Ring of Fire. I have probably listened to the performance 30 times since Wed night. The judges, for the most part, didn’t enjoy it.

   – LOST – This week covered Jack,Kate, Hurley and Sayid being reunited with their old castaway friends, who now serve in the Dharma Initiative in 1977. We also saw young Ben in this episode, which was interesting. The questions still remain, and I will only list a few – why are Sun/Ben/ Lapidus in a different time than the others, where’s Locke, where’s Faraday, plus (from like 3 episodes ago) how did Ben get beat up before they left and wat happened to baby Aaron? UGH – love the show but it drives me up a wall!!


  – Red Eye – Watched this suspense flick for the 1st time Saturday night. I have become a big fan of Rachel McAdams (The Notebook, Wedding Crashers), and really enjoyed this movie. It wasn’t great, but it was definitely entertaining and totally realistic, which made it more enjoyable. Cillian Murphy is a creepy guy anyway, so his part in the movie must have come pretty naturally.

I Love You, Man –  Went to see this new comedy Sunday night with Rivas. The newest movie for actors Paul Rudd and Jason Segal was a funny one. I thought Segal was funnier in this move than in Forgetting Sarah Marshall (which also featured Rudd in a small role), but I thought Rudd’s character wasn’t as funny as some of his other role’s, including his last movie, Role Models. Overall, the movie was pretty good. I think Rivas and I laughed like 3x as much as anyone else in that theater.

Thanks for reading, and I’ll be back for this week’s recap next week unless something awesome happens in the mean time that I can’t help but rant about. We’ll see ya.


       Welcome to the first of what will hopefully end up being many weekly entries detailing plenty of topics from each previous week. I will more than likely do some special posts on big topics or specific things that I can’t get off my mind any other way.

         The normal weekly rants will probably include topics like what God taught me the past week in church or personal reading, sports news, movie reviews, updates on my favorite tv shows, occasional music reviews/discussions, and of course a section devoted to whats going on in my life, including funny events from the week and updates on me.

          If nobody ends up reading this, it will at least serve as an online journal that I can go back to later and dig up old thoughts and laugh about it.

   We’ll see ya